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SCiP:无创神经调节治疗脑瘫 让患者拥有自主感觉运动功能

嘉峪检测网        2022-10-07 21:18

脑瘫(cerebral palsy),全称脑性瘫痪。是指婴儿出生前到出生后一个月内脑发育早期,由于多种原因导致的非进行性脑损伤综合症。主要表现为中枢性运动障碍以及姿势异常,还可伴有智力低下、癫痫、感知觉障碍、语言障碍及精神行为异常等,是引起小儿机体运动残疾的主要疾病之一。




如果解决脑瘫患者的自主感觉运动功能,提高患者自主生活能力,一直是医学界追求研究方向。美国公司SpineX给脑瘫患者及其家庭带来希望。SpineX的无创神经调节技术---SCiP,具有让患者自主运动能力。SCiP已经开始启动FIM研究,并在顶级期刊《Nature Communications 》发表第一份研究数据,研究证明其SCiP对脑瘫儿童患者的功能改善无与伦比。





---Dana  一名确诊为CP的男孩的母亲


---Sharon Rosuck  被诊断患有脑瘫的双胞胎男孩的母亲






SCiP:无创神经调节治疗脑瘫 让患者拥有自主感觉运动功能




SpineX开展一项关于SCiP的前瞻性的研究,本项研究是一项单臂,总共16 名被诊断为粗大运动功能分类量表 I-V 级的 脑瘫的儿童,并接受相同的干预(2 次/周,共 8 周),以使用正常发育的本体感觉纠正脊柱上神经网络和脊柱神经网络之间的功能障碍连接。研究证明,治疗后所有儿童 GMFM-88 评分的临床和统计学显著改善相关,从而达到了预先设定的主要终点。同时没有观察到严重的不良事件(安全终点)。




SCiP:无创神经调节治疗脑瘫 让患者拥有自主感觉运动功能


a mean ± SE (n = 16) GMFM-88 scores before and after therapy; mean ± SE (n = 7) GMFM-88 scores before (black) and after (red) therapy for GMFCS levels I and II (blue) and; mean ± SE (n = 9) GMFM-88 scores before (black) and after (red) therapy for GMFCS levels IV and V (orange). b GMFM88 scores at the start (black) and end of therapy (red) relative to age of the child at the start of the therapy and c ΔGMFM-88 scores relative to their age at the start of the therapy. All data were tested for normality using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. Based on the result of a normal distribution, paired t-tests were used to compare the group mean data before and after therapy. * Significantly different from before therapy at P < 0.05. † Meaningful clinically improvement difference (MCID) = 5 points. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.



SCiP:无创神经调节治疗脑瘫 让患者拥有自主感觉运动功能


a mean ± SE (n = 12, GMFCS levels I and II, n = 3, GMFCS levels IV and V, n = 9) PedsQL scores before and after therapy. All data were tested for normality using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. Based on the result of a normal distribution, paired t-tests were used to compare the group mean data before and after therapy. * Significantly different from before therapy at P < 0.05. Note the max score on the PedsQL is 88 points and a decrease in score represents an improvement in function. b X-Y plot for correlating GMFM-88 scores at start and end of therapy with the PedsQL scores demonstrating that the increase in GMFM-88 scores (improved sensorimotor function of the child) is directly linked to the decrease in PedsQL scores (improved quality of life of parent). Please note, data for n = 12 out of 16 are shown since 4 PedsQL data points were not collected. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.


具体研究数据参见《Nature Communications 》的论文《A pilot study combining noninvasive spinal neuromodulation and activity-based neurorehabilitation therapy in children with cerebral palsy》


