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英国鸡肉销售下滑 弯曲杆菌或为祸首

嘉峪检测网        2015-09-10 22:49


    食品伙伴网讯    据美国食品安全新闻网消息,与去年同期相比,英国店铺内鸡肉的销量下降7%,销售额下降4%。专家推测,这可能与媒体报道鸡肉受弯曲杆菌污染有关。



    Grocery purchases of chicken in the United Kingdom have declined nearly 7 percent by volume and 4 percent by sales since this time last year.

    Experts are speculating that the public has been influenced by media coverage of the high levels of Campylobacter contamination found on raw chicken, according to meatinfo.co.uk.

    Media coverage related to food safety in the UK has largely focused on Campylobacter in chicken this year. First, a whistleblower at a poultry factory revealed alleged violations of hygiene rules for two major chicken producers, and, later in the year, the UK's Food Standards Agency released a report stating that 70 percent of fresh whole chickens bought in the UK are contaminated with some level of Campylobacter.





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